The resurgence of the coronavirus has stoked fears that a V-shaped economic recovery could be out of reach, while also spurring concern that banking regulators, worried about potentially spiraling risks to the financial system, might crack down on banks and others exposed to souring real estate.


Pendergast pointed to the 10.2% of loans out of the near $600 billion commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) market that in November were in “special servicing,” a category that is often the first stop for borrowers looking for temporary or permanent debt relief.

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That’s below the 12.6% peak in the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis, which took about two years to reach. But the volume of problem loans easily could grow as the pandemic wears on and more borrowers come to grips with its fallout, including how the use of commercial buildings ends up changing.


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Granted, anxiety about the future is not new, but today’s students face many new challenges. More recent technologies, like 3D printing, cloud technology or devices connected to the Internet, drive many work and labour changes. Unprecedented amounts of information are now available instantaneously, causing information overload and social anxiety.

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Gone are the days where students could assume specific education will lead to a specific job. “No one is going to pay these students for what they know anymore,” says Peter Cudmore, a high school teacher at Arnprior District High School in Arnprior, ON.